Έρευνα της Σχολής Αθλητισμού του Παν/μιου της Λωζάνης
Δείτε την ανακοίνωση για την Έρευνα της Σχολής Αθλητισμού του Παν/μιου της Λωζάνης.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am the project leader of a study undertaken by the Faculty of Sport at the University of Lausanne (UNIL, Switzerland) and I would like to enquire whether your athletes members might be interested in taking part in a survey that we have prepared about family assistance and support to athletes.
Our study aims at exploring the importance of supporting athletes throughout their career, with regard to family assistance and, in particular, to the needs of their children. We have therefore prepared a short and simple online survey to be submitted to the largest number of athletes to understand the real need of services such as baby-sitting, paediatric treatments and nursery schools.
The survey is online and requires less than five minutes to be filled out.
At the foot of this letter you will find the link to the online survey.
I should be grateful if you could forward them to your athletes members.
If sending private emails is not possible, we would like to ask you to share these links on your online channels. All the provided data will be treated confidentially, and not a single piece of information will be disclosed to other parties. Consequently, anonymity will be guaranteed.
On behalf of our entire staff, I wish to thank you for your kind attention and support.
We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,
Prof. Grégoire Millet et al.
University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland.
Survey links:
English version: OlympianChildren (EN)
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